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You won’t be saddling up, but you’re in for the ride of your life! Welcome to the Vegan Posse!

Vegan Posse VP#18: Dealing with the consequences of the “best” medical care – and evolving as we speak! Michelle Cen, former NorCal techie, now artist, globetrotter, vegan promoter, Kiwi-in-the-making?

Vegan Posse VP#18: Dealing with the consequences of the “best” medical care – and evolving as we speak! Michelle Cen, former NorCal techie, now artist, globetrotter, vegan promoter, Kiwi-in-the-making?

"It was drilled into me that it was bad for me to eat plants - by doctors!" says Michelle Cen of the eating disorder treatment she underwent for severe anorexia at age 17. "I learned what it was like not to have rights. And it essentially taught me what not to eat."...

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