What people are saying...

Marrying Myself is an exciting tale of one young woman’s journey through a glitzy and harrowing mystery in her search for love. At once both deliciously fun and surprisingly wise, Marrying Myself is the perfect way to treat yourself to some pure enjoyment. Don’t miss it!” – Psychologist Doug Lisle, Ph.D., co-author of The Pleasure Trap

“It’s not often that a novel I read for fun — and this one is loads of fun — leaves me with a sense of confidence and uplift, too. Marrying Myself did that. Through Julia’s romantic upheavals and seeing her find her place in a world where she doesn’t always fit (she’s vegan, for starters), I feel like I fit better, too.” ~ Victoria Moran, author of Creating a Charmed Life

“Vivid characterizations and ingenious plotting make this novel terrific fun and depict veganism – and the largely vegan cast – as sexy and appealing. The empowering message of loving oneself first, last, and foremost will stay with readers – and will undoubtedly get more than a few trying vegan cheesecake!” – Carrie Classon, syndicated columnist, Andrews McMeel Universal

“Watch out, world! Christine Melanie Benson has written Marrying Myself, a suspenseful and heartwarming novel. Her soulful protagonist Julia Jones is a young Boston artist with a day job. I found myself rooting for Julia as she handles life’s ups and downs with dignity and aplomb, while managing to maintain her sense of humor in the process. Marrying Myself is an insightful, sometimes comedic, story about love, family, friendship and finding your own way. I didn’t  want the book to end.Carol Orange, award-winning author of A Discerning Eye

“Marrying Myself is a funny, heart-touching page-turner that blends wisdom teachings and romance in a humorous and uncanny string of surprises.. The result is a refreshing and memorable novel that shines light on veganism and the power of love to bring healing.” Will Tuttle, Ph.D., author of best-selling The World Peace Diet

Psychologist Dr. Doug Lisle raves about Marrying Myself!

(beginning at 1:01:53)