Looking for answers? Try looking within – with Internal Family Systems (IFS) coaching.

Are you wrestling with anxiety, seeking inspiration,  or paralyzed by lack of life purpose?

Internal Family Systems (IFS) , also known as “parts” work, is a powerful therapeutic model that will help you learn to work with, rather than against, all those problematic parts of your personality and become more integrated, more effective, more whole. Christine Melanie Benson is an experienced Internal Family Systems (IFS) practitioner who can help you tap into your inner wisdom and transform your most important relationship: the one you have with yourself.


IFS Practitioner Christine Melanie Benson

Harnessing the power of IFS to help you be more effective – and more you.

Ever wonder why years of talk therapy often gets people nowhere? Internal Family Systems (IFS) or “parts work” is a powerfully innovative modality that recognizes that all of the various parts of our personalities – even persistent mischief-makers like anxiety, depression, fear of success, and creative blocks – are doing their very best to try to help us in some way. These parts are not dumb – and yet we walk around trying to ignore them, push them away, or quash their very right to exist. Is it any wonder that they keep acting up?

But there’s a profound shift that occurs when, instead of trying to shut down these parts, we approach them with curiosity and respect and start talking to them. By acting as a facilitator between clients and their parts, the IFS practitioner helps people discover what’s actually driving these parts – and how they can work with them rather than against them. What results is a way of living that is more productive, more effective, and more fun. 

With over a decade of experience working with IFS clients, leading IFS peer practice groups, and teaching about the IFS model, Marrying Myself author Christine Melanie Benson is uniquely equipped to help you opt OUT of those cycles of self-loathing and self-defeating behaviors and opt IN to a life whose happy ending is only just beginning.

For a free 20-minute IFS consultation, contact IFS Practitioner Christine Melanie Benson at christinembenson@gmail.com

DISCLAIMER: Christine is a trained IFS practitioner recognized by the Center for Self Leadership. She is not a psychologist, licensed professional counselor, or therapist.


Christine Melanie Benson, IFS Practitioner


(617) 697-6392