Vegan Posse VP#19: “Women really hold the key to everyone’s health.” From Waif, Wanderer & Wild Child to OBGYN to Lifestyle Medicine to Woke Coach – and Everywhere in Between! Meet Dr. Debra Shapiro

“I always wanted to be a doctor.” From an early age, parroting terms from her dermatologist father's medical journals, Dr. Debra Shapiro was clear on her vocational calling. But her mother's death from a brain tumor when she was just 14 threw her...
Vegan Posse VP#18: Dealing with the consequences of the “best” medical care – and evolving as we speak! Michelle Cen, former NorCal techie, now artist, globetrotter, vegan promoter, Kiwi-in-the-making?

Vegan Posse VP#18: Dealing with the consequences of the “best” medical care – and evolving as we speak! Michelle Cen, former NorCal techie, now artist, globetrotter, vegan promoter, Kiwi-in-the-making?

“It was drilled into me that it was bad for me to eat plants – by doctors!” says Michelle Cen of the eating disorder treatment she underwent for severe anorexia at age 17. “I learned what it was like not to have rights. And it essentially...
Vegan Posse VP#16: “Why isn’t he home with his mom?” Questions, questions, questions from DIY vegan & animal activist 12-year-old Emma Brozik of Nashville, TN – who calls out sketchy VegFest event!

Vegan Posse VP#16: “Why isn’t he home with his mom?” Questions, questions, questions from DIY vegan & animal activist 12-year-old Emma Brozik of Nashville, TN – who calls out sketchy VegFest event!

She’s young, she’s motivated, and she’s been asking questions her whole life, leading her to being vegetarian from her earliest childhood days to taking the vegan leap at the tender age of eight!Now 12-year-old Emma Brozik of Nashville, Tennessee,...