Risa Branch is a jazz and blues singer, Reiki Master, and professional cat-sitter based in New York City. She’s also a dedicated, longtime vegan, having adopted the lifestyle as a teenager, and she’s been advocating for animals and veganism for all of her adult life. Risa has recorded two albums, and she’s been featured in a variety of media as a vegan music artist.


Website: http://RisaBranch.com 

Facebook: http://Facebook.com/RisaBranch 


Risa Branch animal rights song “Strange Fruit”: https://risa.bandcamp.com/track/strange-fruit

Documentary appearance in I’m Vegan: https://youtu.be/l08as25vCVc

Outtake: https://youtu.be/mokrYJ9pBAk?si=hnZEY7WTHZEdQqck

Other Risa press:

Tenderly magazine: Not Every Singer Is Here to Start
the Party

The Syncopated Times (cover story): https://syncopatedtimes.com/risa-branch-a-passion-for-tradition/

Black Vegans Rock blog: http://www.blackvegansrock.com/blog/2016/1/8/feature-risa

Women in Jazz podcast: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/women-in-jazz/episode-08-risa-branch-3hZAx8o-5dD/

Mindful Minutes with Musicians podcast: https://www.youtube.com/live/Gr9VfRzooDg?si=JU249IrMsAdnaAVq

Vegan Werden (German publication): https://veganwerden.wordpress.com/2013/09/29/risa/Other resources mentioned:

Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating by Erik Marcus: https://www.amazon.com/Vegan-Ethics-Eating-Erik-Marcus/dp/0935526870

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero: https://www.amazon.com/You-Are-Badass

NYC Vegan Restaurants:

Organic Grill: https://www.theorganicgrill.com/

Urban Vegan Kitchen: https://urbanvegankitchen.com/

Caravan of Dreams: https://www.caravanofdreams.net/

Happy Cow: https://www.happycow.net/

NYC Vegan Drinks: https://vegandrinks.nyc/

Berlin Vegan Jass Bar Barkett: http://barkett.berlin/

Cadence – Vegan Soul Food: https://www.overthrowhospitality.com/location/cadence/

Slutty Vegan: https://sluttyveganatl.com/

By Any Greens Necessary by Tracye McQuirter: https://byanygreensnecessary.com/

Diet for a New America by John Robbins: https://www.amazon.com/Diet-New-America-Choices-Happiness/dp/193207354X

Marrying Myself by Christine Melanie Benson: https://www.amazon.com/Marrying-Myself-Christine-Melanie-Benson/dp/1685130763/

Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chrissy-benson/support