In 1990, at the height of her corporate career, Nancy James was diagnosed with a life-threatening chronic and systemic auto-immune respiratory disease which was supposedly “incurable.” The doctor who diagnosed her was so cold and dismissive as he issued the diagnosis sarcoidosis that she decided, “I don’t trust him. I don’t believe a word he says”. That decision saved her life.

Nancy went to see a different doctor, who pointed her to the Macrobiotic healing diet, s 100% vegan diet. This doctor told her, “Don’t look at this illness as your enemy. Look at it as your teacher and your friend.” From there, Nancy's healing journey began. Not wihtout setbacks, this journey led her to where she is today, a life coach who helps other people learn to live without struggle and strife and to live in integrity, as the vegan path had enabled her to do.

In Nancy's words, “Being in touch with my Indigenous roots, I’m getting in touch with a reverence for all creatures. I know there are no 'lesser' creatures in this amazing Universe. “

Nancy James, Certified Life Coach Life Coach ExtraordinaireCell: 215-262-8539

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